
html-helper-mode is an emacs mode to make editing HTML files easier, inspired by Marc Andreessen's html-mode.el. html-helper-mode does most of the things that html-mode does, but with a slightly different interface and lots of new features.

To use this mode, you need two lisp files:

Put both of these files in your load-path and byte compile them (if you want). Then arrange for html-helper-mode to be loaded: the easiest way is to put this in your .emacs:

  (autoload 'html-helper-mode "html-helper-mode" "Yay HTML" t)
  (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.html$" . html-helper-mode) auto-mode-alist))
Alternately, you can get an entire distribution of html-helper-mode, including these HTML documents, as html-helper-mode.tar.Z

You can get there from here


Many thanks to David Kågedal <> for coming along at just the right time with tempo.el, the basic template code that underlies html-helper-mode. Many of the neat features like completion and field support are because of his good design and programming.

Thanks to the author of cc-mode, Barry Warsaw <>, code provided a useful guide in writing this mode (not to mention saving me many hours of formatting C and C++!)

My appreciation to Marc Andreessen <>, the author of the original html-mode.

And finally, many thanks to the various people on the net who have been offering encouragement, suggestions, and example code. Y'all're the main reason I'm writing this, and the main reason it's usable.

New HTML document writers should read the HTML primer. The references at the bottom of the primer are all worth following.

Comments and suggestions are highly encouraged.

Nelson Minar <>
Last modified: Sat Apr 1 14:45:33 1995